2 Build Spots Left For 2026 skyTECH CNC


Creator of Iconic Ziplines

Skyline Ziplines is the world’s leading zipline construction company, having installed over 550,000 feet of cable and developed the groundbreaking skyTECH System. We design and engineer zipline courses, fabricate all components, and handle construction and installation. Our seasoned staff also provide training, operations, and support for clients and partners.

Dedicated to quality craftsmanship and the highest safety standards, we serve clients in over 22 countries and manufacture our equipment in Canada.

Years of Success

Years of Combined Experience

Countries using the skyTECH System

Feet of Cable Installed

Our Services

Site Discovery

Skyline started out operating zipline tour companies for many years and has gained valuable experience in doing so. From that background, we understand what factors play an important role in creating a successful and profitable site.

Site Design

No matter the size or scale of the project, Skyline recognizes all sites are unique. Across the globe, we’ve provided state-of-the-art zipline design and installation services for theme parks, ski resorts, water parks and more.

Zipline Engineering

As a leader in the global zipline market, our zipline equipment engineering department has proven itself time and time again with unprecedented quality, reliability and value.

Equipment Manufacturing

Our experienced team possesses superior dedication and expertise when it comes to the manufacturing of our zipline equipment. We utilize modern manufacturing methods and machinery to create products that are both reliable and beautiful.

Zipline Construction & Installation

Once the pre-fabricated zipline system and structures arrive on site, they are assembled by Skyline-qualified teams, ensuring uncompromised craftsmanship and quality.

Zipline Operations Support

Skyline’s #1 Rule: Safety ALWAYS comes first. Safety is never compromised. Our equipment and structures exceed safety standards, therefore, we expect staff to exceed safety standards as well.

Commercial Zipline Inspection

Annual zipline course inspections are paramount for safety. Skyline conducts ACCT-accredited safety inspections to determine site safety and effectiveness.

Who We've Worked With

In every interaction, we strive to ensure your success. We want to do the same for you.

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